Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tattle Tail

So Grant got up in the middle of the night last night. 

Typically, when this happens, we will allow him to sleep in our bed.  Last night , Tracey and I were still up, as I had just gotten home from work.  Grant came out of his room to let us know that we were being too loud.  Tracey was just about to go to sleep anyway, so I put the two of them to sleep in our bed. I stayed up much later than I should have but eventually laid down as well. 

In the morning, Grant woke up, tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Daddy its morning time, let’s get up.”

“What time is it? Ugh, Grant, it is ten till 7 a.m. Lay down for ten more minutes, and we can get up.”

He turned to Tracey. "Mommy." Thank God, I thought, he is going to wake his mother up for once. “Daddy, won’t wake up.”

Great, my son just ratted me out to his mother.  Like the puppet I am, I got up, and admitted defeat. 

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